Friday, April 28, 2006

*Yawn* it's 5.45 am over in ukraine right now. Had to get up this early to attend a team breakfast session before the tournament. Tournament's bout' 3 hours away. Couldn't sleep all that well last night with thousands of thoughts racing through my mind. I probably slept for 4 hours?not a very good thing to do when i have a whole day of playing futsal to look forward to.I'm just counting on the adrenalin to keep me going.

The next 48 hours will make or break my entire month's hardwork.Been training really hard for this event.Really can't afford to not win it this time.Pressure's on and the spirits are high.

p/s: thank you ashlin for becoming the first visitor to my blog;)

WARNING: Not all entries in this blog will make sense.

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