Saturday, April 29, 2006

out of words

I'm all drained out. My motivation is level is subzero. My focus is lost. It was a bad saturday. Everything i ever envisioned happening today did not even come close to materialising. Have u ever felt and wanted something so badly and worked so hard for it but you don't even come close to getting it? It's very demoralising... spent all my energy and i don't know if i have any reserves left in me. But i have to go on... one last push for one more event. I just hope the sketch goes on well tomorrow nite... and hopefully that'll compensate partially for whatever happened today.

p/s: i need to get hold of a digi cam so that i can post up pics on this blog...


  1. I know what you mean, sometimes it just gets so impossibly difficult that you don't feel like going on anymore. I've been there, and back...

    So just never give up, cause when you're down there, there's only one way things can go. And that's up :)

    Hang in there buddy. One day, you'll look back and learn from it all. *winks*

    and yes, a digicam is goooooddd!

  2. thank you for ur support people...
    im all much better now.. focusing on the future :)
