Thursday, June 25, 2009


another night duty has passed me by. it wasnt too bad, managed to catch a couple hours of sleep but these ankles and calves are killing me. feels like it belongs to a 80 year old man... fooh. makes me feel so tired come evening everyday. early signs of varicose vein setting in?? NO!!!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

the truth hurts

i knew that this day might come one of these days and it did. i sort of saw it coming when i received the phone call the other day... don't worry it's nothing devastating . its just that my supervisor took me out, single handedly skinned me alive and layed my weaknesses out there for me. Not good enough! this will be the last time it will happen to me!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

a day with the kids

hey folks ... as the title suggests I am currently doing my posting at the pediatrics department. I deal with sick kids everyday from really sick ones to those coming in just because their parents are too anxious. The highlight of the work is seeing those cute boys and girls smile again when they get discharged. I thought i wouldnt enjoy this posting as i never enjoyed this subject back when i was a medical student but its the total opposite now. Work is still work, how is everyone else doing?