Tuesday, August 25, 2009

August 2009

YES! im done with another posting. I'm not relieved but more like happy that i'm inching ever closer to completing my 2 years as a house officer here in malaysia. It's been great fun during the 4 months attachment in Pediatrics Institute of Kuala Lumpur General Hospital. Had the opportunity to work with some of the nicest souls on earth and learn t a great deal of how to deal with kids and diseases that are normally associated with them. On a more personal level i now know how to deal with kids a little better and actually learn to like them more. Still at times there are a lot of difficult kids and not forgetting parents to deal with. The staff nurses were great and competent and that made life easier.

When i was posted in the neonates division, i had the opportunity to work closely with the staff nurses over in the labour room once again. oh , the fond memories of my first posting still lingers in my head. The experience certainly didn't disappoint and i'm missing the place more than ever. These past 4 months were great times with wonderful competent colleagues. There were certainly some rotten apples about but I'm just glad that I dont have to deal with them anymore. Not till i get posted to the next department where rotten apples are definitely lingering somehow.

I'm on a week's leave at the moment. Getting some time to spend with family and friends and myself. Been able to catch up on things i love like soccer and Manchester United. more on that on another post. There was something i wanted to share which is my consultant was speaking to me about returning to pediatrics sometime in the future if I was interested in it. coming from her was certainly an honor. Made me ecstatic for almost the entire day. But I did tell her that I still uncertain about my future plans.

Plan to go somewhere tomorrow, beach side or perhaps genting highlands... we shall see

Saturday, July 25, 2009

awaiting for a new saga to come...

and when i mean saga i mean literally the proton saga that we malaysians are so familiar with =) ive chosen a white saga blm as my first ride. I must admit that i wasnt too keen on purchasing this car but settled on this model and brand after much pondering... and I must also admit that i did not bother test driving it because whatever the performance was going to be during the test drive i was still going to get one. Been patiently awaiting the arrival but due to the systems currently down in JPJ - i'm still left waiting... apart from that I'm currently posted back in the labor room... this time to take care of the newborns and to make sure they leave that place nice and pink =) challenging at times but very fulfilling still.

Thursday, June 25, 2009


another night duty has passed me by. it wasnt too bad, managed to catch a couple hours of sleep but these ankles and calves are killing me. feels like it belongs to a 80 year old man... fooh. makes me feel so tired come evening everyday. early signs of varicose vein setting in?? NO!!!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

the truth hurts

i knew that this day might come one of these days and it did. i sort of saw it coming when i received the phone call the other day... don't worry it's nothing devastating . its just that my supervisor took me out, single handedly skinned me alive and layed my weaknesses out there for me. Not good enough! this will be the last time it will happen to me!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

a day with the kids

hey folks ... as the title suggests I am currently doing my posting at the pediatrics department. I deal with sick kids everyday from really sick ones to those coming in just because their parents are too anxious. The highlight of the work is seeing those cute boys and girls smile again when they get discharged. I thought i wouldnt enjoy this posting as i never enjoyed this subject back when i was a medical student but its the total opposite now. Work is still work, how is everyone else doing?

Friday, May 1, 2009

another in the bag

so im done with my surgical department posting at long last. not that it was dreadful. as a matter of fact I think i benefitted a lot from the posting. The superiors were strict and at times pushing us for a better performance but it only made us stronger from the whole experience. Met a lot of people along the way. Managed 3 appendectomies and many more procedures that will be priceless for my future postings to come. Now for pediatrics! here i come...

Saturday, March 14, 2009

My first time

I finally came out of the OT (operation theatre) as the surgeon instead of the assistant. Big thanks to my generous MO who granted me the opportunity and assisted me in every step of the way. It was definitely scarier than i thought it would be, i did not sweat profusely like how i always do when i get nervous but the whole experience has upped my surgical appetite. From the second i cleaned and draped the patient till i closed up the skin... wow. There is much improvement to be made but that day was one of the days i ended my working hours feeling full of pride. In the end of the day it might just be an appendicectomy but for a house officer it certainly was some kind of feat. thanks MO. you were an excellent mentor.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

another opportunity out of the window...

I've been searching for so long, every night and every day... i thought yesterday was going to be it. Kept my hopes soaring high but in the end it was still not to be... it will come soon i just know it and i can just feel it :)

Monday, March 9, 2009

Hey folks,
do excuse me for the long hiatus. Been really busy at work and really lazy at updating my blog. Went through the list of bookmarked blogs of some friends and realized everyone's been having the same syndrome except one, yes Mei - you defy all odds and still pretty much update your blog on a much regular interval compared to the rest of us, kudos!

Just want to say a quick hie to all my friends.
Boys back in Ukraine, Privet... finally the blog is out. Looks pretty good and the updates are regular. Will be looking to post up a thing or two to say hie.
Thum, what happened to your blog? last input was last year october? looking forward to more from you dude. Dont know who else reads this blog anyways, so leave me a note or something.
will "attempt" to revive this blog from this day on.