Thursday, November 1, 2007

How to stop procrastinating

  1. Make a list of everything you have to do.
  2. Write an intention statement .
  3. Set realistic goals.
  4. Break it down.
  5. Make your task meaningful.
  6. Promise yourself a reward.
  7. Eliminate tasks you never plan to do.
  8. Estimate the amount of time you think it will take you to complete a task, then increase that amount by 100%.
I am giving myself till tomorrow to see changes... on the long run, this "S.P." campaign will be re-evaluated same time next week. Good Luck. If you think you face similar issues as i do, try it out. This is just a rough outline, read more on the internet for details. I'm sure you can figure out the details on your own once you read through the 8 guidelines.

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