Tuesday, February 27, 2007

of friendster and blogs..

proud to find out that two of my close friends have hooked up lately... their abstinence in the couplehood since secondary school have left me wondering if they were actually straight or were actually planning to apply for apprenticeship in the Shaolin temple... but yes, they finally gave in.. and congratulations to the both of u.. may it long prosper ...

i was listening to this bagpipe song earlier today and it was one of the songs my school band used to play... just listening to it brought back a stream of memories of my days in the VI... so nostalgic...felt like just burning that song and sending it to everyone of my Victorian friends...i might actually do that!! the school gave me so much...

and then, i was just looking through my friendster list and it just struck me how everyone has grew up...everybody have their own lives now... can't wait to actually meet these people and catch up like old times... ahh..

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