Sunday, July 1, 2007


yes people, one more year to go. For those who know me, that's 365 more days before i can return to "tanahairku" for good. Then again, it depends on whether i'll be practising back there. I can't really say at this point. Got a call from my dear old friend yesterday, thanks man... good to hear a familiar voice from back home =) As how the quote goes, time does indeed flashes by u. Was talking to my housemate last night, and we were just sipping down a cold can of *juice* and just reminiscing the good times and bad times we've had over the years... everything that happens during our final year will probably be the last ones we're ever gonna experience as students... yes, i'm finally going to STOP being a student. Took me a long while but i hope it'll be worth it.

For those who would be saying,"ur coming out as a doctor..."... you know people. it's not as glamour as you think it is and it's not even financially rewarding as you really think it is. Our malaysian medical system is somewhat far far away from achieving the developed nation's standards...

Well, all in all i'm glad that my exams are over... now to just kick back and relax....


  1. wils, ogenki deska? miss bitching to you la, although not much to bitch about laa kan. mcam habit pulak.. ;Þ

    take care and ((hugs))

  2. Semalam, aku bermimpi tentang kawan-kawan kita semua berkumpul di rumah Muthu yang besar dan saya ada nampak anda, Ip dan banyak lagi yang kita kenal. Adakah ini bermakna ada sesuatu yang akan berlaku? Haha... Do you still know how to read these language? Really looking forward to see you when you're back as a doctor next year... Anyhow, enjoy life as a student while you still can!!! Cheers man!
