Thursday, October 26, 2006

Clutter- no more...

Today is the day i finally made time for myself to get rid of all the clutter i had in my room. Urgh, why did i take this long? procrastination is the evil of all evils ! but i'm feeling pretty good bout' myself right now... room's almost reaching the very comfortable level and my life's reaching that very fulfilling stage as well... As i'm typing this, i stare across the room and see a pile of laundry waiting to be arranged neatly somewhere in the closet. Life's all about setting and placing everything in it's right place, at least that's how i can associate my sudden midnight spring cleaning with life at the moment.

Weekend's just around the corner. The week had past by me in a flash. There's this 3 in 1 birthday party at Club "Zeon". Of course this is one of the clubs over here in Ukraine. Can't wait to start the weekends... after clubbing session will be football training on Saturday and then the resumption of the Martini league against Team Vastus. It's just a leisure league my futsal team is taking part in the university.

okay, got loads more to get done by tonight before i head to la-la land... goodnight

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