YES! im done with another posting. I'm not relieved but more like happy that i'm inching ever closer to completing my 2 years as a house officer here in malaysia. It's been great fun during the 4 months attachment in Pediatrics Institute of Kuala Lumpur General Hospital. Had the opportunity to work with some of the nicest souls on earth and learn t a great deal of how to deal with kids and diseases that are normally associated with them. On a more personal level i now know how to deal with kids a little better and actually learn to like them more. Still at times there are a lot of difficult kids and not forgetting parents to deal with. The staff nurses were great and competent and that made life easier.
When i was posted in the neonates division, i had the opportunity to work closely with the staff nurses over in the labour room once again. oh , the fond memories of my first posting still lingers in my head. The experience certainly didn't disappoint and i'm missing the place more than ever. These past 4 months were great times with wonderful competent colleagues. There were certainly some rotten apples about but I'm just glad that I dont have to deal with them anymore. Not till i get posted to the next department where rotten apples are definitely lingering somehow.
I'm on a week's leave at the moment. Getting some time to spend with family and friends and myself. Been able to catch up on things i love like soccer and Manchester United. more on that on another post. There was something i wanted to share which is my consultant was speaking to me about returning to pediatrics sometime in the future if I was interested in it. coming from her was certainly an honor. Made me ecstatic for almost the entire day. But I did tell her that I still uncertain about my future plans.
Plan to go somewhere tomorrow, beach side or perhaps genting highlands... we shall see
Time to update!!