Monday, May 22, 2006
Its been a while
so let's see, what has been happening in the past few days... they had some elections today for the Malaysian Student association... to me it's all a big joke... two individuals who probably have nothing else better to do. attempting to unite everyone in this uni? *achoo*... it sure ain't gonna happen in a million years... so obviously i stayed away from the elections.. moreover i had my housemate's bday party to attend:)
I've only got another month of so in this god-forsaken land before i board the freedom flight back to my beloved country... as ive mentioned before.... i'm freaking feeling home sick ler... malaysia... i'll be back home k.:)
Went to this mountaineous area last saturday for a bbq bday party... it went on very well... my housemate, matt n i even managed to get ourselves lost when we were heading down from the mountain peak... thank god we found our way back... unfortunately, there was no camera with us, otherwise i can let the picture do all the talking. the view from up there was magnificient. it was worth every single drop of sweat on our body. best of all, matt n i didn't have anything on us, we climbed n climbed as though we owned the place n feared for nothing in the world. fantastic climb matt ;)
meanwhile, exams are nearing and i'm panicking as usual... gotta start !!!
Sunday, May 14, 2006

So there you have it, my 2nd semester in a series of pictures:)
Rojak of news
My futsal team was involved in some events just a few days back. A *suppose to be just another regular game* turned out to be a disgusting showdown of physical power. The russians were having a go at our feet instead of the ball... referees did not do their job... for heaven's sake.. they did not even have a FREAKING whistle to begin with. Match was suppose to end at 3-3 but it was 3-2 in their favor... there was more commotion after the match which i think didn't end too well... heard from certain sources that both teams might be disqualified. It only serves to drill in the message that asians are simply the minority here and the ukrainians organising this whole tournament simply don't want to see us advancing further. what racism? happens everywhere...there's nothing much we can do about it. As for me, i just felt the whole commotion could've been avoided if only the referees had brains and brought their whistle along or simply postpone the game till' they finally get hold of a whistle la... stupid dungus!!!
Eversince the old lady came down from the second floor to make noise at my place... we were supposedly talking 'over the limit' ... what in the world does that mean? things between us and our landlord has took a turn for the worse. They brought like 3 russian people to come take a look at the apartment a few days back... we were like... HARLOW?? we're still renting the place now we think? have some decency and respect for ukraine's sake!!! worse of all, only my housemate Matthew was around and when they screamed at him... he couldn't understand a single word... poor matt..
So the rate things are going, we'll have to relocate by the end of this semester and we have to do IT fast!! again, old lady... racist!! i'm not making accusations for no reason here... another old man who lives in the same building says that we are quiet people... and that the old lady is extra sensitive... only complains. when she hears some language apart from russian spoken because it would be us... and if other russian speaking people scream ... she wouldn't say a thing...!! now be the judge... i'm gonna go kill her dog one day... so busy busy month ahead...
and did anyone read on BBC about the 4 year old boy who can run 65km non stop. He's a so-called marathon runner... has a personal coach and all... but the government finally had the senses to ban him from running after the medical research team found some his heart to be overloaded and that his protein metabolism is way too high for his age?? 4 years old people!!! give him a break will ya. On the other hand... isn't he like dem talented and all? at that tender age... imagine when he is at his peak?? hmmm.
and oh yea... heard bout that MP from Jasin that made a fool out of himself back home... embarassing to say the least... will be very interesting to see what the Prime Minister will do though... and oh yea... don't forget 2020 is coming yar... no excuse for it not to work!!! so malaysian... NATO
besides that, im broke !!
Tuesday, May 9, 2006
Victory Day Celebrations

Victory Day... what is this?
According to Wikipedia.
Victory Day marks the capitulation of Nazi forces to the Allies (the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, the United States and other principal Allied nations) in Berlin on May 8, 1945. It is celebrated in the successor states to the

Journey there took about an hour. Found ourselves to be one of the early birds at the parade ground. Familiarized ourselves with the parade route and chose a lovely spot for ourselves. Not before long, the whole place was being filled up. Parade started at 10 a.m. sharp. It was basically a parade of all the war veterans. It was lovely to see all the appreciation by the crowd. Praveen and I certainly did not miss out on all the cheering.

( This has got to be the picture that make people go " Awwwww". My guess is that they are two veterans that ended up marrying each other)
Parade ended before we could really soak in the entire atmosphere... from there, we started our tour around the lovely sevastopol town. local people here are so warm and helpful, a HUGE difference to Simferopol, the town i'm studying in. Local People in Simferopol, if u are reading this... PLEASE learn a thing or two!!!
Walking next to the seaside definitely brought this sense of calmness over me... i'm sure everyone would agree with me.:)

It was not my first time in this city, therefore there the whole sightseeing experience wasn't something new though it's really good to be back after 2 years. Every trip i made to this city has only brought me wonderful memories ;)
Boarded the train back to Simferopol bout 5-ish in the evening. Super duper tired now...
Monday, May 8, 2006
getting to know Ukraine a lil' better

After giving some thought on the future... i realized that i needed to know Ukraine a lil' better... and moreover, it's a good opportunity to show the others living outside this place what this country is all about... of course i'm not going to feature everything in one go... ill start off with one of the more tasty dishes around.
First thing up is "PLOV"... one of the first dish here that i consider tasty enough, and able to compete to a certain level to some mediocre ciplak msian hawker food of course.
Here's some short history...
Palov (Russian: 'плов') is the national dish of Uzbekistan. It is a rice dish consisting of carrots, onions, spices (cumin, salt, pepper, paprika, and Barbaris), lamb, cottonseed oil, and medium grain rice. It is traditionally cooked in a deep, metal dish known as a "qozon". Plov can be made either at home or over an open fire. Several different types of simple salads are served with Palov. The most common of these is a mix of very thinly sliced tomatoes and onions which are then mixed with salt and pepper.
Preparations and recipes can vary from region to region, however the contents of the dish will always be based on the above carrot/onion/lamb/rice mix. (called "sabzi" in Uzbek) Ingredients such as whole heads of garlic, garbanzo beans, chilis and quinces can be added while cooking. A special "wedding palov" will include saffron in its preparation.
The origins of Palov are somewhat lost over the course of history. However, stories abound of it having been served to Alexander the Great upon his capture of Maraqanda. (modern Samarqand)
Palov is from the same family of Turkic rice-based dishes as Afghan "Pulao", Turkmen "Osh", Tajik "Palov" (see also Pilaf). One can also find variations of Palov (Pılaw in Tatar) in the Tatar regions of Tatarstan, Russia and the Crimea, Ukraine.
During the years of the Soviet Union, the dish spread throughout the other Soviet republics, becoming a favorite in such diverse places as Russia, Ukraine and Azerbaijan.
Gotta post up some pictures of plov eating sessions so that you can see the happiness in our faces. Meanwhile, we'll make do with just the plov without anyone around it.
Basically, it taste like good ol' nasi goreng with beef pieces scattered all over. All i'm saying is... i'm missing Msian Food la! I miss wantan mee,curry mee,pan mee,roti tisu,roti dunno what what la... and i miss malaysia and my friends la! Will be back by the end of JUNE... can't wait:)Sunday, May 7, 2006
LaZzZZzZzzy marathon

Starting from last night, 7 people with completely different background converged upon an old style ukrainian apartment to partake in the Lazy Marathon 2006. Held officially for the very first time with one aim and one aim only, who is the laziest of them all?
First night report
Met at the Lenin Boulevard around dinner time, participant Vithiya prepared a scrumptious meal made of chicken meat and some unknown vegetables. Meanwhile the guys channeled their fullest energy towards the PS2 machine.

Praveen and I made it to two consecutive finals (night and morning session) but i lost both!!! nevertheless, good game prav!
We spent the rest of the night planning for a BBQ outing at a nearby beach named "saki" but after much discussion we decided to cancel/postpone it cause' it was way too late to get anything confirmed.
By the time everyone settled down and finished posin' for the camera... it was already like 4 a.m. Oh, not to forget my 2nd floor neighbour... a 110 years old grumpy lady(age is purely fictional) came knocking the door and started pressing on the doorbell like a lunatic... (not her first time!!!) at around 3 a.m. As soon as i opened the door, it was like opening the door on the lion's cage... well, that's another story but it was hilarious... the whole episode lasted about 15 secs. Unfortunately i didn't have enough time to take a pic of her face... next time folks! ;)
While the rest of the participants nicely settled into bed, Praveen and i figured that we could still squeeze in one movie before we head to bed... so off i went and insert a CD. It was "win a date with tad hamilton"... after 5 mins, i dozed off. Woke up somewhere like 10 mins later and found my movie partner snoring off. Switched it off and the next phase of the competition started... aptly called who can sleep the longest competition.
Next day Report
Almost all the participants woke up from deep slumber at around 12 p.m. We gobbled up some yummy food like the chocolate cake matthew baked last night, some leftover Mc'D chocolate sundaes, and we even had Chic Kut Teh!!! once again thanks to Vithiya. Enjoyed this whole competition thoroughly. A few of them will challenge themselves further for another night... the winner shall be announced soon. :)
I'm all out for more Lazy marathon to be organised in the future... of course after the finals lar bugger!! ish..
Friday, May 5, 2006
A meowing experience

Actually i've nothing to say at all about the Cultural Show that ended here last night. I wasn't even bothered if it went well. Simply because i minded my own business and was more occupied snapping tonnes of pics backstage which turned out to be loads of fun among ourselves. It was another opportunity to dress up nicely and just be snap-free. From the comments i've received from my friends that were among the audiences that night, the entire show ranged from boring to really boring... with the fashion show being an exception of course!
Came home after i became too weary from all the flashes... but it was more like there was on one else left to take pics with... *boohoo*... and this was using a borrowed digicam... imagine if i had one of my own...;) the journey home was slow and lonely... the streets were pitched dark but thank god this street i'm living in is one of the safest in this state (of course there are no facts to back me up on that, but that's how i feel la!) took like 2 more pics with my housemates and then got down to business.
Case report dateline tomorrow first thing in the morning... just finished it a while ago and i'm stuck in this junction. deciding whether to go straight to bed or to have something light cause i'm super duper hungry rite now. But how could i possibly eat something if my eyes can stay opened?
Worse of all, there's class tomorrow cause next monday's a holiday and we are required to replace that holiday... then why did they call it a freeeeeeeeaking holiday??!!!
All in all, the catwalk experience was my first and my last i think... and if any of the models are reading this... thanks a lot people... enjoyed every second i spent with u people during practise. cheers~!
Thursday, May 4, 2006
Holiday Period... or is it???
Moving on. We're expected to attend class on saturday as a replacement for next monday's holiday... so there u have it- SATURDAY ruled out as rest day. then on sunday... i'm suppose to referee a women's handball tournament... so SUNDAY ruled out as well!... monday... friends might wanna go BBQ by the beach... MONDAY-ruled out!! and finally tuesday... suppose to go to another town n watch some victory day parade 8 am in the morning... TUESDAY also ruled out!!!... So i've gotta sit back n think which one of these events to kick out of my schedule so that i can recharge myself properly at least on one of the holidays.
Last but not least, thanks for ur comments on the blog. Keep them coming. Really appreciate them.
Another Kodak Moment
Wednesday, May 3, 2006
Growing Pains
I was having lunch with some close friends of mine and somewhere along the line of our conversation came the topic of "growing up sucks etc..." After giving a second thought bout what my friend just blurted out... i realized that the increase in responsibilty makes it all complicating and less fun... very much unlike the fun-filled days of secondary and campus life.
We went on and on about working life, marriage,kids, arranged marriage even!!!, dealing with in-laws, relationships and basically everything that's bound to happen in the next couple of years... i read a friend's blog bout a week back and the entry was about one of her cousins getting married. That time it didn't affect me much but TODAY... BOOM!!! it struck me hard like never before...
This is as far as my thoughts wandered... walking any further might lead to a no-man's land.
Growing up is hard to do :) But when the time comes... i hope i'll be all geared up by then.
Tuesday, May 2, 2006
Understanding the addiction
Monday, May 1, 2006
The sketch that we've been practising for the past 3 weeks or so received multitudes of good response from the audience and it inspired us to a level of performance we never thought possible. Thanks again "Kalaoke Boys+ Girls" (karaoke boys + girls)... it has been a fantastic journey all around with u guys and it's gonna remain in my memories for decades to come. The remedy to calm down backstage worked like charm (remedy= BEER...muahhahahaha).. not forgetting, i hoped the sketch did not offend any parties or person. But based on the responses i got from my peers, no one complained lar... but that was only like half of the crowd... who knows what the other half had in their minds...??? In short, the sketch was very open in a sense there was no holding back on the vulgarities... jokes were of typical malaysian "apeks" but it was brilliant lar...
Brought a manual camera along for the event... blardy hell... so difficult to get a digi cam from friends nowadays lar... then of course i only started asking around in the 11th hour. My roll of film finished in a flash, i knew i should've bought another roll. damnit. But i'm hoping the good people out there who have taken pics with me will send me those precious precious pics so that i can post some in here.
And now comes for the highlight of my night. Knew a week before that i was nominee for "prom king"... ;) i know... of all people right?? hahhaa. i too was laughing when i found out bout' the nomination. I'm actually still wondering if people actually nominated me for it.Anyways, they dragged all of us nominees up and grilled us in front of everyone... blardy hell... had fun didn't u MCs :P?
To cut a long story short, i answered a question, laughed a lot on stage... sang two sentences of a tamil song and at the end of the day... the crown was mine!!! :) woohoo. Though i did not physically get a crown but it's all good. ME??? PROM KING??? i'm still laughing while typing this. But many thanks to my peeps out there who supported me and gave me support throughout this entired period right up to yesterday night.
Not to forget, thank you to all who made me drink!!! (no lar- thank you all who belanja'ed me a shot of vodka). I was in 7th heaven without a doubt. ahhh... thank god it's labor day today. once again i'm gonna kick back and relax and just soak in the moment.
And oh yea... the girls last night were simply gorgeous... each and everyone of them... when i do post up some pics... you'll understand why i said it... :) simple a sight for sore eyes ;)