I'm all drained out. My motivation is level is subzero. My focus is lost. It was a bad saturday. Everything i ever envisioned happening today did not even come close to materialising. Have u ever felt and wanted something so badly and worked so hard for it but you don't even come close to getting it? It's very demoralising... spent all my energy and i don't know if i have any reserves left in me. But i have to go on... one last push for one more event. I just hope the sketch goes on well tomorrow nite... and hopefully that'll compensate partially for whatever happened today.
p/s: i need to get hold of a digi cam so that i can post up pics on this blog...
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Friday, April 28, 2006
*Yawn* it's 5.45 am over in ukraine right now. Had to get up this early to attend a team breakfast session before the tournament. Tournament's bout' 3 hours away. Couldn't sleep all that well last night with thousands of thoughts racing through my mind. I probably slept for 4 hours?not a very good thing to do when i have a whole day of playing futsal to look forward to.I'm just counting on the adrenalin to keep me going.
The next 48 hours will make or break my entire month's hardwork.Been training really hard for this event.Really can't afford to not win it this time.Pressure's on and the spirits are high.
p/s: thank you ashlin for becoming the first visitor to my blog;)
WARNING: Not all entries in this blog will make sense.
The next 48 hours will make or break my entire month's hardwork.Been training really hard for this event.Really can't afford to not win it this time.Pressure's on and the spirits are high.
p/s: thank you ashlin for becoming the first visitor to my blog;)
WARNING: Not all entries in this blog will make sense.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Clock is ticking
Actually found myself some free time to write an entry despite the hectic schedule i am currently undergoing. Had light training earlier this evening with the rest of the boys. Groupings for the Futsal tournament was held and it's a very HOT topic at the hostel grounds at the moment, seems a lil' funny to me that everything's so hyped up. Perhaps it's because this is already my 4th tournament and all the butterflies in my tummy have already settled down. Leaving to the hostel in a moment's time to practise the kalaoke boys sketch. Sketch seems pretty fine to me but it still requires some fine tuning here and there.Not forgetting we still need to add in the final topic and then we're done.
Paeds cycle have been very fullfilling. Class ended at 12pm today according the the timetable... it's the first time any of my cycles ended at 12pm. Best of all i did not feel the time dragging by me... i truly enjoy this cycle. Gtg now... will write more in my next entry.
Paeds cycle have been very fullfilling. Class ended at 12pm today according the the timetable... it's the first time any of my cycles ended at 12pm. Best of all i did not feel the time dragging by me... i truly enjoy this cycle. Gtg now... will write more in my next entry.
Friday, April 21, 2006
I never really appreciated the abbreviations "TGIF" till today. The past week have been swamped by multiple activities which coincidentally will peak at the end of this month. A part of me wishes that i have more time while the other part of me just wants to get it over with. Personally, i feel both extremes in the different hours of the day... when i'm tired... the latter obviously. Rugby boys are organising a BBQ at the 'marino lake'. Nothing beats having BBQ when the weather's fine and it's about blardy freaking time anyway to have one right? Good place to go to and just escape from the hustle n bustle i'm going through right now. To better understand what i'm talking about... there's this ball coming up which my friends and i are putting up a play...play's about how typical chinese businessmen interact when they get together. Practise have been fine so far... but script still requires some editing... bad thing is, we've got to perform it at the original venue this coming sunday... no time la bugger??!! Well, one things for sure... i have always wanted to act in front of a crowd... so i guess this will be the ultimate litmus test la... another important event coming up is the Annual Futsal Tournament , also at the end of the month... (buggers, timing all dem good rite??!!!%^*&8&^*^) so training's on a daily basis more or less... right now, all i want is just to take a hot shower... sit back , watch some movie and doze off. Been helluva day ... think i deserve to chill a lil' while before the whole dog eat dog world starts all over again...
Monday, April 17, 2006
Getting the word 'procrastination' out of my system...
Been a while since i last had one of these life changing moments... where i feel that life has been such a letdown in the past few days... not because of any dissapointments in particular. This is about making a bold move to once and for all kick the procrastinating nature of me out the window... it's been so me since i can ever remember it... i cannot recall the countless times i had to reset my system so that i can start anew and begin the living again. So here i go again, hopefully this is gonna last longer than the previous one did. There are many reasons why i have always needed to reset. It normally happens after having a very long holiday, some setback in life, ended a relationship, been too freaking lazy out of a sudden and can't take it anymore... ya know.. stuffs like that. so this time my reason to resest is because exam's just around the corner and i feel it's high time to just turn over a new leaf and kick start my life- albeit ONCE AGAIN! so writing this blog on a more frequent basis is one of my ways of writi
ng down how successful i have been in my attempt. I'll be ending this post right here right now... got a LOT of reading to attempt tonight.
p/s: received an email filled with pics of the latest mercedes roadster... it is a babe.
check it out.

p/s: received an email filled with pics of the latest mercedes roadster... it is a babe.
check it out.
Saturday, April 1, 2006
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